Stacie Mayo » Upcoming Events and Important News

Upcoming Events and Important News

Welcome to 2nd Grade!!

***ABSENCE NOTES:  If your child is absent, you must provide a written note explaining the reason upon his/her return.  I have to turn those notes in to the office.  If you do not provide a written note, it will be counted as an unexcused absence/s.  
**Please check over your child's homework assignments so that there are no errors.  If they make a mistake, please have him/her fix it.
**If you need to send me a written note for ANY reason OR are sending money, please place it in the front pocket of your child's DOT binder.
**If your child switches transportation often, please write it in the agenda to remind him/her.
**Grading system:  M=Mastery, O=On track, A=Approaching level, B=Basic or limited ability level.