Ronda McGeorge » DOT Binders/Agendas/Homework Procedures and Absence Policy

DOT Binders/Agendas/Homework Procedures and Absence Policy

Please ask your child to see his/her DOT binder daily. Their DOT contains fluency homework, a communication station, Spelling words for the week, Behavior Codes, calendar, related arts schedule, and additional papers that need to be signed or checked. The papers in the LEFT at home (front) pocket should be reviewed left at home each day. The RIGHT back to school (back pocket) that must be checked each night, signed, and put back in the folder to be returned. 

Homework is to be completed nightly at home, put back in the homework pocket, and returned daily. ALL students are required to complete homework or have LOP (Loss of play-during recess until work is completed).Homework EVERY night is studying spelling words, practicing math facts (+/- ), reading assigned fluency passage Mon-Wed then recording your child reading it on Thursday and sending to me via DOJO, reading for 20 minutes per night, and completing any assigned work that was not completed at school. 

TBA-We will start doing the Book It Program through Pizza Hut. Each student is required to meet his/her goal monthly to receive the free pizza coupon. Simply listen to your child read nightly to meet their reading goal, then write the book info on the Monthly Reading Log and have him/her color in the square on their calendar located in your child's DOT Binder. Remind your child to return the reading log and calendar on the last day of the month so he/she can earn their free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut! Yay for free pizza and reading!!! : )

If your child has been absent, late to school, left early, or has multiple mistakes on classwork, they could have additional homework tasks. So check through their papers to see if there is any incomplete/incorrect assignments. These will be on the "Right back to school" side of the DOT. Please complete these and return them in a timely manner.

Please make sure to send a HANDWRITTEN absence excuse note OR send the doctor's note each time your child is absent to avoid a possible truancy letter, especially after 10 absences. If I DO NOT get a note from you, the absence is considered UNEXCUSED, which could lead to a truancy letter! Make sure it is a note or letter that I can file/ log in to the computer and NOT JUST a handwritten note in the agenda so I have a paper trail in my files. If your child has been absent a total of 10 absences or more, a doctor note IS REQUIRED to be excused. Thanks for your help!