For the past couple of school years, I have been trying to try out a new way of teaching for grades 3rd-5th, called T.A.B. Teaching for Artistic Behavior: which means teaching the students to think and create like true artists. With the littles, I am still trying to teach them techniques and a little art history and preparing them for third grade when they too are a part of the T.A.B. way of thinking. Here is a little more about it from my webpage Be Smart Make Art!
This TAB thing is not easy but I am thinking the hard work is paying off. My fifth graders are now more independent than ever and are creating more personalized artworks that cater to those students' needs and level of technical skills as well. No, not every day is a masterpiece but remember experimenting is also a Studio habit of Mind for the art studio, therefore there will be rainbows and heart-shaped pillows that are not technically difficult BUT there will also be those artworks that get you excited about teaching :)
For example this Sonic the Hedgehog pillow took the fourth grader over 5 art classes to that is a perfect example of perseverance!
- A modeling clay frog habitat, cross-curricular learning at its best!
A drawing showing emotion, intensity, and creativity.
The opening day of new stations is definitely the most challenging. The kiddos are excited and there seems to not be enough of me to go around. After the first day the "newness" dies off a bit and I have time to work more one on one with those who need extra assistance. Here is a typical video of a first-day intro to a station:
Hope my "Day in the Life of "TAB" helps someone understand what our Art Studio here at Rockvale Elementary does every day. Remember Be Smart and Make Art!
I can not believe I was voted "Teacher of the Year" school year 2021-2022!
What an honor, thank you so much Rockvale Elementary for supporting the Visual Arts!
Welcome back to another wonderful school year here at Rockvale Elementary.
Where we are creative and sometimes get a little messy!